Sipagan Boys – Michel Samuel Cabrera plays “Chromazone”
Michel Samuel Cabrera plays Briccialdi 7714 and a Lectio Tertia Headjoint with wooden lip plate.
Paolo Sergio Marra plays Alarico di Francesco Brancatella
“Alarico” di Francesco Brancatella, musiche originali del Maestro Paolo Sergio Marra. Voce recitante: Piermaria Cecchini
Festival Nazionale del Teatro 2016
Masterclass orchestrale con I Flauti di Toscanini – Scatola Sonora Roma
domenica 21 maggio – alle 19:45 nella chiesa di Sant’Eusebio, a piazza Vittorio Emanuele 12a, per il concerto finale della Masterclass “Orchestra di Flauti” tenuta dal Maestro Paolo Totti.
Almudena Gonzalez plays Briccialdi Zi-Flute headjoint
Almudena Vega & Sun Color en La Clandestina
ALMUDENA VEGA plays Briccialdi Zi-Flute headjoint
Algunos momentos de la última edición de La Clandestina en nuestro estudio.
Gracias a todos los que vinisteis, a Almudena Vega & Sun Color por su actuación, a Cutoff por el sonido tan increíble y al celler Més que paraules por aderezar la tarde con una degustación de sus vinos.
Nos vemos en la próxima!
BRICCIALDI Promuove il Talento
Jury 2017
Sophie Cherrier (France) Jean-Claude Gèrard (France) Davide Formisano (Italy)
Philipp Jundt (Switzerland) Nicola Mazzanti (Italy) Ui Kyung Park (South Korea)
Per maggiori informazioni:
Il Concorso Flautistico Internazionale “Severino Gazzelloni” è una competizione destinata a giovani flautisti professionisti. Esso è stato ideato e realizzato dall’Associazione Flautisti Italiani, Falaut, preciso intento di valorizzare e promuovere il talento dei giovani flautisti.
Il Concorso è intitolato a Severino Gazzelloni, uno dei più grandi flautisti del secolo scorso, un vero caposcuola che ha contribuito in misura determinante allo sviluppo delle tecniche moderne e all’ampliamento del repertorio. Tenere viva la sua memoria e soprattutto raccogliere la sua eredità interpretativa, è uno degli obiettivi di questa iniziativa.
Chi Siamo
Promuove, organizza e coordina il Concorso Flautistico Internazionale “Severino Gazzelloni”, l’Associazione Flautisti Italiani.
Nata nel 1998 e rifondata nel 2007, l’Associazione Flautisti Italiani, con la direzione del M° Salvatore Lombardi ha organizzato negli anni numerosi eventi, quali:
FlautoMania (Teatro alla Scala di Milano – Novembre 2009, Teatro alla Scala di Milano – Marzo 2012, Teatro San Carlo di Napoli – Maggio 2013, Teatro Verdi di Salerno – Novembre 2014, Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova – Maggio 2015;
Falaut Festival (Festival Internazionale del flauto), dal 2005 al 2009 presso Cernusco Sul Naviglio (Mi) e dal 2016 presso il Conservatorio “L. D’annunzio” di Pescara; Falaut Day (incontri con grandi maestri), dal 2005 ospitato a Roma, Vibo Valentia, Napoli, Pompei, Imola, Bergamo e Avellino;
Falaut Campus (Accademia Musicale Estiva), dal 2011 al 2013 a Cava dè Tirreni (Sa) e dal 2014 all’Università degli studi di Salerno;
FalautCompetition (Concorso Internazionale Flautistico “Severino Gazzelloni”) presso Roccasecca (Fr) dal 2012 al 2016; dal 2017 presso Conservatorio “L. D’annunzio” di Pescara.
L’Associazione ha curato e cura anche il progetto editoriale della “Rivista Falaut” , periodico settoriale (magazine flautistico con CD) con 68 numeri all’attivo, 80 cd e 30 tra pubblicazioni e libri.
Promoting talent
The International Flute Competition ” Severino Gazzelloni ” is devoted to young professional flautists. It was created and produced by the “Associazione Flautisti Italiani” and “Falaut” italian flute magazine, with the specific purpose to enhance and promote the talent of young musicians.
The competition is dedicated to Severino Gazzelloni, one of the well-known italian flautists of the last century, a charismatic figure who has significantly contributed to the development of modern techniques and broaden the flute repertoire. Keeping alive his memory and his artistic legacy, is one of our main purposes.
The Competition awards and prizes are provided by public and private sponsors that have embraced the initiative and share its spirit and objectives. The winners, in addition to cash prizes, are supported by the publication of a CD and will have the opportunity to perform several recitals presented by prestigious institutions. Since the very beginning, the high level of the Competition was a successful trade-mark recognized by the International Flute Community, and the Gazzelloni International Flute Competition is a guarantee of higher standards and quality.
Three CDs have already been published and a fourth will be out by the end of this year.
Winners were engaged for more than 20 concerts in Italy, and for many of them, it was the first step of a brilliant career with further international awards and performances all over the world.
The previous edition listed partecipant from 35 different Countries.
Briccialdi’s 200th Anniversary Celebration – The Paganini Of The Flute
Giulio Briccialdi was born in Terni, Italy. He began his studies the flute with his father to continue in Rome.
He soon began a career as a professional of the highest level, obtaining prestigious engagements such the appointment as flute professor of the Count of Syracuse, brother of the King of Naples, Ferdinand of Bourbon.
The enthusiasm of the public for Briccialdi was so great, that a refined and severe critic as Richard S. Rockstro wrote in his book A Treatise on the Flute: “I have no hesitation in saying that Briccialdi was one of the finest performers that I ever heard on any instrument. His perfect intonation, varied style and consummate mastery over his instrument are to be remembered but not described. His tone made such an impression upon me that I immediately set it up as a model to be imitated if possible, I therefore seized every opportunity of hearing him play.”
As a convinced advocate of the unification of Italy, he was personally involved in several fund raising concerts to subsidize General Giuseppe Garibaldi. In 1871 he became flute Professor at the Florence Conservatory, where the flute model invented by him was adopted.
As a composer, he devoted himself mainly to the composition of paraphrases and variations on operatic themes, this being the most popular genre for the public and the most suitable to achieve fame and success.
The concept of Paraphrase or Air with variations, along with the taste for famous operatic themes and for pure virtuosity, captivated an entire generation of performers throughout Europe and in Italy.
Paganini for the violin, Bottesini for the double bass, Cavallini for the clarinet and Briccialdi for the flute, became the link between the brilliant à la mode operatic theater environment and the vertiginous desire to push beyond any limit the technical possibilities of the instruments.